Welcome to My Portfolio

I am a front-end developer with a passion for creating beautiful and accessible web experiences.

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Ayinde AbdurRahman

I am a _

Flash News

A news app that provides you with the latest news from around the world.

Chat GPT clone

A clone of the popular chatbot, GPT-3.

E-commerce online Store

An e-commerce store that allows you to buy and sell products.

Front-End Web Development

Issued by: Code Academy
Date: January 2023

Skills: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React

Certification ID: 1234567890

JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures

Issued by: FreeCodeCamp
Date: March 2023

Skills: JavaScript, Data Structures, Algorithms

Certification ID: 0987654321

React - The Complete Guide 2023

Issued by: Udemy
Date: November 2023

Skills: React, Next.js, Tailwind CSS

Certification ID: UC-7a235ce1-a826-4529-8d86-26150d69e19f

Using the latest technologies, I have incoporated the following tools in several websites

React JS
React JS
Tailwind CSS

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